Joshua graduated from Southern Nazarene University in 2003 and spent the first decade of his career as a pastor in various churches in Oklahoma and Oregon. In 2012 he founded Lindley International LLC, the parent company for a variety of successful ventures. He currently is the president of Lindley Creative Studios, and involved in partnerships in a variety of business ventures. Joshua is a husband, new father, and dog dad to a five pound chihuahua named Houdini. Come join the revolution and make it happen!!
In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nullam eget feugiat velit, eu eleifend purus. Aliquam eget lectus sed mi blandit sodales quis id nisi. Vestibulum libero urna, dapibus at posuere suscipit, convallis et sapien. Sed ut mi vel erat ullamcorper auctor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Aenean id ante sodales, suscipit justo ut, vulputate lorem. Nulla volutpat, nisl nec volutpat hendrerit, massa dolor ullamcorper risus, ut varius quam nibh eget lectus. Nullam tincidunt sollicitudin ligula vitae volutpat. Quisque ut scelerisque nunc. Quisque iaculis lorem eu laoreet scelerisque. Integer condimentum nec tortor ut rhoncus. Donec sit amet fermentum enim. Etiam porta ullamcorper interdum.
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Sweet Piano Dreams
Kid’s classics turned into beautiful relaxing piano arrangements. Perfect for rest or sleep.